Food Tech

I Dare You Not to Be Jealous

This afternoon the mailman unceremoniously dropped my box of carefully packed dishes that I shipped from my parents house on Saturday on my doorstep. When I say “dropped” I mean literally dropped, with a huge crash. Due to my careful pack job, not a single item was broken, although one china dish makes some strange vibrations when you touch it, so I suspect invisible cracks exist and it will explode on it’s own accord at some point. But a small price to pay for all the goodies that made it here safely.

Remember how I was talking about how I wasn’t able to butcher my own veal in my apartment because my cleaver hadn’t arrived yet? Guess what was in the box in addition to the dishes? I double dog dare you not to be jealous of my new rusty cleaver!! Look upon it with awe and be in wonder of it’s beauty!

Cleaver by St. Louis Food Photographer Jonathan Gayman

Look for this piece of classic food technology in future Shoot to Cook photographs. I don’t actually plan to use it on actual meat because I think it has more value to me as a prop and I don’t want to clean that beautiful rust and gunk off of it. Who knows how long it’s been since it has been used but the blade is still very sharp …

More to come!


  • Ericka
    December 1, 2010 at 6:26 pm

    This post will make many a young cow nervous.

  • […] once you get a good coconut it is pretty damn awesome smashing them open with the back of your favorite cleaver. Boom. Although if you want to reserve the coconut juice you should drain the thing first, or, you […]


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