
The Salty Dog Cocktail

I am an unashamed dog person.

After adopting a rescue mutt from a local shelter, I went from being the guy who merely tolerated other people’s pets, to the guy who turns off the tv if there is any hint of violence to animals. I nearly missed out on House of Cards because of the first few minutes of the first episode traumatized me. Because of this canine-love I was pleased to find this perfect not-so-sweet and salty cocktail to finish out the Salt Issue of The Insatiable Lens: The Salty Dog Cocktail

While using fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice will give you a fresher taste, it will also be a little more dry and sour (which I happen to like). The salt on the rim will open up the flavors though and it is really tasty. However, if you want something sweeter, try it with store-bought juice or add a spoonful of simple syrup.

The Salty Dog Cocktail

The best thing about this drink (which is similar to the non-salted Greyhound) is that you can design your version of this cocktail around your favorite fur baby. Replace the gin with vodka for a Salted Siberian Husky, or tequila for a Salted Chihuahua. And while you can use regular kosher salt to rim your glass, why not kick it up a notch with some flavored salts which you can make yourself. Simply stash some of your favorite dried herbs in a small container of salt for a few weeks until the salt takes on the flavor. 

My favorite combination of this cocktail includes gin, pink grapefruit juice, and rosemary salt.



This article was originally published in The Insatiable Lens Premier Issue

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