
Heading West

There comes a point in any man’s life when he has to throw away all conventional wisdom and spend two weeks in the car with a family member. In my case, that family member is my dad. The two of us are headed out west this week on a roadtrip to see our relatives in Yuma, Arizona. Despite having been to most of the states in the south west for photo shoots, most of my exposure has been looking out the windows of taxis to and from the airport. I’m looking forward to seeing a lot more of this country of ours and a 1600+ mile journey (each way) is about as good a way as any.

I won’t be doing a lot of cooking for the next few weeks while I’m on the road. A friend suggested that I stop a couple times a day to cook on the engine block of my rental car, but I don’t think I’m that committed. I have the very best intentions to continue to post as regularly as time and internet access allows. Generally I’m not one to take a lot of pictures of my food when I go out to restaurants, but road food is different, so I’ll do my best. If nothing else hopefully I can post pictures of tumbleweeds and cow pokes or whatever else lives in the south west. I’ve been led to believe there are aliens out there, so I’m taking along my tin foil underwear just in case. Seriously, when you fly over the west it looks like the moon, I can only imagine what it will be like when I get abducted somewhere in New Mexico.

Dr. Fiance is going to have to tend to my herb garden while I’m gone, and while I’m nervous I’m sure she’s up to the task. I pruned as much as I could although the warm weather has made everything go nuts, especially the basil. I’m going to have basil coming out my ears by the time I get back.

St. Louis Food Photographer Jonathan Gayman

In any case, tonight I’m meeting up with a bunch of my fellow STL food bloggers, and then I’m off to seek fame and fortune, or at least some good tacos in the west. While I’m gone enjoy Mardi Gras and all the other St. Louis events I’ll be missing.

Next dispatch from … uh … the west.


1 Comment

  • Stacy @ Every Little Thing
    February 23, 2011 at 8:07 am

    Sad you’re missing Mardi Gras, but the trip will be awesome! I lived in New Mexico for a few months and it was glorious. Take lots of photos!

    See ya tonight!


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