
Open Letter to Dried Beans

Dear Dried Beans,

You and I, dried beans, have had a long and occasionally rocky relationship. I initially purchased you by the bagful, full of hope that you would be so much better than your canned counterparts. You are cheaper, and you contain less sodium. You take up less shelf space in my kitchen and I’ll be honest, you look beautiful, right out of the bag. I had high hopes, dried beans. High hopes.

But I’m afraid that you’re not going to like what I have to say next. The thing is, dried beans, well, this is over. We’re breaking up.

I wish I could say “it’s not you, it’s me”. But in all honesty, dried beans, it’s you. I realize that we are both busy people, but you are never considerate of my time. You insist on getting a water bath at least eight hours prior to cooking, and even after that you require hours of slow cooking to get you to soften up and play nice with my other foods.

It’s not for lack of trying on my end that this relationship has failed. I use the right amounts of water for you, I don’t let you boil too long. I tried to salt you at the beginning, after the first hour, and tried skipping salt entirely with the same result. I’ve tried the slow cooker, thinking the constant temperature would be good. Perhaps my stupid electric stovetop is partly to blame for your constant bubbling over and fussing while I’m trying to cook you in a dutch oven, but honestly dried beans, I just don’t have time to baby you along for hours on end.

But it would be insincere for me to say that this is the biggest problem that I have with you, dried beans. I could forgive the endless amounts of time I spend cooking you but for the fact that when you finally decide that you are done and ready to be eaten, you look like you’ve been hanging out in a blender. You start out looking beautiful, but after you’ve been cooked you’re about as pleasing to the eyes as Gary Busey on his best day.

I am a photographer, dried beans, and you know that. You know that I want to make appetizing, mouth watering pictures of my food. All I ever wanted was to make you beautiful, and no matter what I do, you insist on being frumpy. Soft and tasty, sure, I’ll grant you that. But despite all of the time and effort that I put into getting you there you reward me by exploding and breaking apart. All I wanted for my salads and soups was sleek, firm beans that are soft in the middle. Soft in the middle, dried beans, not soft on the outside. I need you to be more than just a bowl of tasty, delicious and comforting mush. I need you to be a supermodel and you’re just not putting out the effort. Would it kill you to spend a little time on your appearance? The worst part is we both know you can be beautiful. I’ve seen you be beautiful … but it’s always for other people, never for me. I’ll be frank, I feel like you’re doing this on purpose just to upset me. That’s ugly, dried beans, just plain ugly.

So that’s it, we’re through. Oh, quit it with the histrionics. You and I both know you don’t need me. Millions of of people out there love dried beans and are willing to spend the time and effort pampering you. Seriously, it’s going to be ok. A glass of wine and a nice long bath in a slow cooker and you’ll forget all about me.

Shoot to Cook

P.S. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine too. I saw a can of chick peas winking at me yesterday at the grocery store.


  • Nupur
    June 13, 2011 at 8:52 am

    Dear Shoot to Cook,

    You need a pressure cooker and then we can be friends again.

    Dried Beans

    • ShootToCook
      June 13, 2011 at 12:36 pm

      Pressure cooker, eh? Ok, I’ll start doing some research on that. I may hit you up for some advice. Thanks!

  • Mike
    June 13, 2011 at 10:57 am

    Couples Therapist speaking:

    (1) Critical: young, fresh beans – just the way you like them.
    (3) Dried Beans 101:

    Published March 1, 2008. From Cook’s Illustrated.

    What do I need to know about soaking and cooking dried beans?

    Through the years, we’ve waffled back and forth about the best way to cook dried beans. Admittedly, we haven’t been consistent: some recipes specify that the beans be soaked before cooking, others do not. Our recommendation? Follow the recipe. Each has been specifically developed for soaked or unsoaked beans and should be prepared accordingly.

    Soaking Water
    So that being said, for recipes that do soak the beans, we typically recommend a long soak—eight hours to overnight. Quick soaking, or bringing the beans to a boil and allowing them to sit for an hour or two before draining and proceeding with the recipe, works fine at rehydrating the beans, though it can rob the beans of some of their nutritional value (see below).

    In recent testing, we’ve found that soaking dried beans in mineral-rich; hard tap water can toughen their skins. Some recipes recommend using distilled water to avoid this issue, but we’ve discovered a simpler solution: adding salt to the tap water, which prevents the magnesium and calcium in the water from binding to the cell walls, and it will also displace some of the minerals that occur naturally in the skins. We found that three tablespoons of salt per gallon of soaking water is enough to guarantee soft skins.

    Storing Soaked Beans
    If you happen to soak beans and aren’t able to use them immediately, they can be drained, transferred to a zipper-lock bag, and refrigerated for up to four days before being used without ill affect to flavor or texture. We do warn against soaking beans much beyond 24 hours as testing has suggested that they can lose flavor and develop tough skins and a mealy texture.

    Does Soaking Beans Affect Nutrition?
    Soaking dried beans is necessary for hydration, which accelerates the cooking process. While both slow and quick bean-soaking techniques exist, testing has proven that the heated water used with the quicker methods increases the solubility of water-soluble nutrients, such as calcium, magnesium, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. Also, the heat of boiling water breaks down cell membranes within the beans, which speeds the release of water-soluble nutrients. For these reasons, quick soaking tends to leach somewhat more of the nutrients out of the beans than do slow soaking methods.

    Foaming Beans
    Simmering beans typically produce a frothy cap of foam. It’s innocuous stuff that’s nothing more than tiny pockets of air surrounded by a thin layer of water that are stabilized by proteins exuded from the beans that dissolve in the water. While they won’t harm the beans, we typically skim the foam off for a clearer appearance.

    Eliminating Gas from Beans
    For some, the greatest obstacle to preparing beans is not the lack of a good recipe but an aversion to the discomfort associated with digestion. The creation of unwanted intestinal gas begins with the arrival of small chains of carbohydrates (called oligosaccharides) into the large intestine. People cannot digest these molecules efficiently, but bacteria residing at the end of the gut do and produce gas as a byproduct. Some sources say that presoaking or precooking beans alleviates gas production by removing these carbohydrates. Our science editor decided to put these theories to the test by measuring the amount of one of the most prevalent small carbohydrates in black beans, stachyose.

    His results gave the theories some credence. Beans soaked overnight in water and then cooked and drained showed a 28 percent reduction in stachyose. The precooking, quick-soak, method, consisting of a one-minute boil followed by a soak for an hour, was more effective, removing 42.5 percent of the stachyose. While we have reservations about the quick-soaking method, it might be the best way to prepare your beans if they cause you significant discomfort.

    Troubleshooting Hard Beans
    Finally, if you’ve cooked your beans for hours and found they failed to soften, chances are they are either old and stale (and will never fully hydrate or soften), the water is too hard, or there’s a acidic element present. Food scientists universally agree that high acidity can interfere with the softening of the cellulose-based bean cells, causing them to remain hard no matter how long they cook. Alkalinity, on the other hand, has the opposite effect on legumes. Alkalines make the bean starches more soluble and thus cause the beans to cook faster. (Older bean recipes often included a pinch of baking soda for its alkalinity, but because baking soda has been shown to destroy valuable nutrients, few contemporary recipes suggest this shortcut.)

    But how much acid is too much acid? At what pH level is there a negative impact on the beans? We cooked four batches of small white beans in water altered with vinegar to reach pH levels of 3, 5, 7, and 9. We brought them to a boil, reduced the heat to a low simmer, and tested the beans every 30 minutes for texture and doneness. The beans cooked at a pH of 3 (the most acidic) remained crunchy and tough-skinned despite being allowed to cook 30 minutes longer than the other three batches. The beans cooked at pHs of 5, 7, and 9 showed few differences, although the 9 pH batch finished a few minutes ahead of the 7 pH batch and about 20 minutes ahead of the 5 pH batch. Acidity, then, must be relatively high to have any significant impact on beans. So in real world terms, season with discretion and don’t add a whole bottle of vinegar or wine to your beans until they are tender.

    • ShootToCook
      June 13, 2011 at 12:37 pm

      Seems like the general consensus is to get a pressure cooker. Hmm, ok, I’ll look into that. Until then though, no amount of counseling is going to help. Heh.

  • Mike
    June 13, 2011 at 1:39 pm

    Cooks Illustrated recommends that one I posted a link to. I want it myself. Don’t go for an electric one, apparently.

  • kitchenriffs
    June 13, 2011 at 9:04 pm

    Rather than cooking your beans on top of the stove, bring them to a simmer and then place them in a 250 degree oven. They’ll cook slow and gently and won’t fall apart.

    • ShootToCook
      June 13, 2011 at 10:56 pm

      Interesting, never thought about the oven. I guess that works the same as a slow cooker, no?

  • Ericka
    June 15, 2011 at 4:27 pm

    I kicked dried beans to the curb years ago and have never looked back. They are mercurial little teases.

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  • Bread and Water « Shoot to Cook
    December 27, 2011 at 6:16 pm

    […] development is my acquisition of a pressure cooker! As some of you may recall I broke up with dried beans a while back, and when I made the announcement my food-inclined friends all told me to try a […]


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